07.07 finishing tour 

A traditional tour that ends the festival where we look at new works created around the city. If previously this tour has been on bicycles, this year we have a unique opportunity to get on the bus together and visit the works with the sticker bus.

More than 20 artists from Estonia and other European countries will participate this year's Stencibility festival: Sepe (PL), Jay Pop (PL), Zahars Ze (LV), Kobayashi (PL), NSN997 (IT), Trafik (LT), Martynas Auž (LT), Akvilė Magicdusté (LT), Borneo (VE/ES), ROMBO (LV), Ziepe (LV), Tron Karton (LV) ja Klub2020 (PL), DUPLO3 (EST), Pintsel (EST) , 126 (EST) , KAIRO (EST) , Edward von Lõngus (EST) , Stina Leek (EST) ja GUTFACE (EST) . During the "My First" competition, Paula Liisa Eplik and Kaoseagent were chosen to make their first street art works.

The tour is in Estonian
The tour is guided by Stencibility organisers Kadri Lind and Sirla
Maximum number of people: 50
Duration: 2h
Starting place: to be announced
Date: 07.07 13:00

Price: FREE

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(when purchasing, choose "the product does not require transport" as the method of transport)

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